TvInputService Implementation : Creating TvInputInfo
As we know Android Tv Input Framework, a data source or Tv Input like IP-TV, Tuner, HDMI etc. is nothing else but the implementation of TvInputService.
TvInputManagerService provides the info of Hardware/HDMI devices available in the system, to all concrete classes of TvInputService by following callbcaks,
public TvInputInfo onHardwareAdded(TvInputHardwareInfo hardwareInfo) {
return null;
public TvInputInfo onHdmiDeviceAdded(HdmiDeviceInfo deviceInfo) {
return null;
While implementing TvInputService for any Hardware or HDMI-CEC, we need to override these methods carefuly, so a create correct TvInputInfo which will be returned back to TvInputManagerService for storing it.
private final String mId; // a string representation(example at end)
private final String mParentId; //relevant in case of HDMI-CEC
private int mType = TYPE_TUNER;
private HdmiDeviceInfo mHdmiDeviceInfo; //relevant in case of HDMI-CEC
For creating TvInputInfo we will use one of the overloaded static methods createTvInputInfo::createTvInputInfo,
1. For Built-in Tuner, createTvInputInfo(Context context, ResolveInfo service)
2. For HDMI-CEC, createTvInputInfo(Context, ResolveInfo service, HdmiDeviceInfo, String parentId, label, iconUri)
3. For other hardware like HDMI-Input, createTvInputInfo(Context, ResolveInfo service, TvInputHardwareInfo, label, iconUri)
Here is an example of method implementation,
public class MyTvInputService extends TvInputService
private final Context context;
private final ResolveInfo service;
public void onCreate(
context = getApplicationContext();
service = context.getPackageManager().
resolveService(new Intent(TvInputService.SERVICE_INTERFACE), PackageManager.GET_INTENT_FILTERS | PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
public TvInputInfo onHardwareAdded(TvInputHardwareInfo hardwareInfo)
TvInputInfo info;
String lebel = new StringBuilder("HDMI").append(hardwareInfo.getDeviceId()).toString();
info = TvInputInfo.createTvInputInfo(context, service, hardwareInfo, lebel, iconUri);
} catch (Exception ex) { }
return info;
public TvInputInfo onHdmiDeviceAdded(HdmiDeviceInfo deviceInfo)
TvInputInfo info;
String lebel = deviceInfo.getDisplayName();
info = TvInputInfo.createTvInputInfo(context, service, deviceInfo, parentId, lebel, iconUri);
} catch (Exception ex) { }
return info;
In case of onHdmiDeviceAdded, parentId is ID of this TV input's parent input, this is the Id of previously registered TvInput's, on same port-id as this HdmiDeviceInfo's port.
In "adb shell dumpsys tv_input" we can see all the TvInputs available in system,
For example,
Id will be "" for 1st HW of MyTvInputService in package
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